Knock-knock. Who’s behind door number 5 of our War on Christmas?! advent calendar? Why, it’s another 404 Ink featured author, Christina Neuwirth!

Christina Neuwirth was born in Austria and now lives in Edinburgh where she splits her time between working at Scottish PEN and the University of Edinburgh’s Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (home of the Dangerous Women Project). She has produced and written short films, performed at the International Storytelling Festival, and dabbled in music production. Her short fiction has been published in Gutter and 404 Ink, and her non-fiction can be found on CommonSpace. Her novella Amphibian was shortlisted for the 2016 Novella Award. She is currently writing her first novel. You can say hi at @gwynn255. Find Scottish PEN at @ScottishPEN and, and the Dangerous Women Project on @DangerousWomen_ and
And here’s how Christina answered our questions:
‽: If you had to write a letter to ‘Santa’, is there anything you’d particularly like to say to him?
Dear Santa,
In my country, you don’t exist. I was never taught to believe in you. Instead, we have a little angel child who wears a nightgown and has curly blonde hair and is also Jesus.
‽: What film would you choose to watch at Christmas?
CN: My sister and I always watch the highly underrated 1998 animated feature Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer: The Movie on VHS. My dad has kept the VHS player around for precisely this reason. It’s a great tradition.
‽: Is there a Christmas tradition you’d love to get rid of?
CN: Krampus. He is terrifying. On 5 and 6 December, Krampus, who is St Nicolas’s friend/sidekick/nemesis walks the streets. He is a furry goat-footed horned long-tongued devil creature who, in the spirit of Christmas, threatens children with bodily harm for their sins. Festive!
‽: What song would you like as your entry music at War on Christmas? Or should we just choose something?
CN: All I Want for Christmas Is You, please. It’s the best one. (If someone’s already picked that I’m also happy with Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree).
‽: Oh, we think that can be arranged. ? In the meantime, here’s Mariah…
‽: What’s on your Christmas wishlist this year?
CN: I know I can’t actually make this happen with my wish but I’d really like some snow this year.
Thanks a lot to Christina for her banging answers to The Interrobang Xmas Interrogation. Come along to Interrobang and 404 Ink – The War on Christmas at The Bongo Club on 9th December for more of Christina being her awesome self!