Whenever we think about hot young Glasgow writer Chris McQueer, we think of him bringing down the house at our War On Christmas party to launch 404 Ink’s awesome ERROR. So we know he’s going to be the perfect guest for the exercise in mentalism that is But is it ART?!
Also, he gives good INTERROBANG?! Interrogation…

Chris McQueer is a 25 year old writer and sales assistant from Glasgow. Some of his work has appeared in magazines such as The High Flight, The Football Pink and most recently for 404 Ink. When he isn’t writing weird short stories, selling shoes or busting queues he can usually be found spouting nonsense at a party somewhere with a bottle of Buckfast in hand.
And here’s how he answered our questions:
?!: Do you have a favourite piece of art you’d like to tell us about? It doesn’t have to be visual. Or does it?!
CMcQ: My favourite piece of art is probably the big shark Damien Hirst preserved in formaldehyde and displayed in a glass box. I remember seeing a thing about it on the telly when I was younger and the shark had this really fucked up, wrinkled face. It’s haunted my dreams ever since.

?!: If ‘you’ (in whatever capacity you define that to be) could be represented by an established piece of art, what would that piece be?
CMCQ: If I could be represented by a piece of art it would definitely be the Salvador Dali painting with the melting clocks since I’m constantly late for work.

?! Pick a song or piece of music that you would have playing as you walk into the most important moment of your life?!
CMcQ; Sticking with the art theme, I’d have to go for Can’t Stop by Red Hot Chilli Peppers. The music video for it still blows my mind.
?!: Inspired by the One Minute Sculptures of Erwin Wurm, apparently
Now, define ‘not art’?!
CMcQ: I’d say something would be classed as ‘not art’ if the artist took themselves too seriously. Whether you’re drawing, painting, sculpting, writing or whatever you can use your creativity to represent anything in the world – don’t just use it as an opportunity to try and make yourself look dead deep and clever.
?!: Draw us a picture? Go on!
CMcQ: Here’s a drawing of my dug, Timmy:

Thanks a lot to Chris for putting himself through Interrobang’s grueling Interrogation again. Come along to INTERROBANG – But Is It ART?! on 18 February and experience his art in the flesh!
ESAF are selling advance tickets through social enterprise company Tickets for Good.