The next of our featured guests for Interrobang – The First Time, Stuart A. Paterson, has also taken a few minutes to complete The Interrobang Interrogation. Nice one!

Multi-award-winning poet Stuart A. Paterson’s honours include an Eric Gregory Award from the UK Society of Authors and a Robert Louis Stevenson Fellowship from the Scottish Book Trust. Described by Alan Bold in The Sunday Times as “McGough by way of Morgan,” his latest collection, Aye, is available on Tapsalteerie.
And here’s how he answered our questions:
?!: The theme of Interrobang #1 is The First Time. When did you first realise you wanted to be a writer?
SAP: I’ve never wanted to be a writer. I’ve written poetry since I was about 12 or 13 & still love doing so, but I wouldn’t describe myself as a poet or writer. I don’t like the stereotyping or pigeonholing such descriptions bring, & besides, I don’t live in a garret. Although I am broke.
?!: And what’s the first book you remember reading?
SAP: Rupert The Bear & the Cloud Pirates. Or maybe The Bible. They’re both pretty intertwined in my memory, which, given the subject matter, is unsurprising really.
?!: What song would you like as your entry music? Or should we just choose something?
SAP: Jarama Valley/Bandiera Rosa by The Laggan, from 3.20 in as Bandiera Rosa begins.
?!: What are your favourite and least favourite words?
SAP: Favourite – ‘aye’. Least favourite – ‘naw’
?!: Anything else you’d like to share with us?
SAP: Allergic to mushrooms. Feeds badgers. Was born in a convent & raised by nuns.
Thanks a lot to Stuart for indulging Interrobang’s Interrogation. Come along to Interrobang – The First Time on 7 October and have a right good jig as Stuart takes the stage!