Is it time? Is it time?! Well, almost. Kind of?! INTERROBANG: Now Is Not The Time?! kicks off on Saturday, 24th June at 2pm, at The Biscuit Factory.
And we’re thrilled to welcome Jen McGregor back to INTERROBANG?! after her triumphant turn at the Hidden Door Festival with Ghosts Of The Citadel.

Jen McGregor is an Edinburgh-dwelling Dundonian raised by Glaswegians. Her plays have appeared at the Piccolo Theatre in Milan, the Traverse, and the Festival Castel dei Mondi. She has been published by New Writing Scotland, Bare Fiction, and 404 Ink. You can find her at and on the Tweetie box: Jen McGregor
And here’s how she answered the questions in our latest Interrobang Interrogation:
?!: If now is not the time, in what era would you prefer to live and why?
JMcG: During the Enlightenment so that I could hang out with David Hume, convince Deacon Brodie that his criminal gang needed a token female, and nip down to London to find out how many of my suppositions about Mary Wollstonecraft are correct. Plus, the clothes!

?!: In whatever time you live, you’ve been granted the power to slow down time. What are you going to do while time is stopped? Run through a field of wheat? Or something less naughty than that?
JMcG: In my chosen time or my actual time? If I could slow down time in the 18th century I would hang around the great writers of the era, waiting for them to reach the point where they’d almost completed their great works, then I’d steal them, slow down time, copy them out, destroy the originals and publish them as my own. If I could slow it down in my own time I’d probably just fit in more Netflix binges and video games, not gonna lie.
?!: What’s that thing you’d really like to do that keeps getting put off until another time?
JMcG: Crossing Russia on the Trans-Siberian Express. Someday…
?!: It’s time to share your work with the Now Is Not The Time audience! What’s that piece of music that’s putting you in the mood for the right here, right now
JMcG: Muse – Our Time is Running Out.
?!: The lads are getting their Dr Strangelove on, we see. As you gaze out into the audience, they’re ready for you, they’re present. It’s time. Without being too spoiler-ific, what can you tell us about what they’re going to hear?
JMcG: It’s a little piece of speculative fiction about people whose days are numbered and the importance of not killing the vibe, and it’s called Party Time.
Thanks a lot to Jen for indulging the INTERROBANG?! Interrogation. We can’t wait to hear more about Party Time – she never receives a less than rapturous ovation when sharing her stories. Don’t miss out! Come along to INTERROBANG: Now Is Not The Time?! at The Biscuit Factory on 29 April (£5 suggested admission). Thanks!